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    Why is plant fiber replacing plastic ?


    Why is plant fiber replacing plastic

    Our planet is facing an environmental crisis, and more companies are investing in sustainable alternatives to reduce their impact on the environment. With plastic bans being a popular trend across many countries, businesses are taking advantage of eco-friendly solutions such as biodegradable tableware made from 100% plant fiber – otherwise known as bagasse tableware. 

    Bagasse is the fibrous material left behind after sugarcane has been milled for juice extraction, meaning it’s highly sustainable with no deforestation or additional waste involved. In this blog post, we explore why plastic bans could be an advantage for bagasse tableware use and how restaurants can reduce their carbon footprint by making the switch away from single-use plastics.


    Plastic bans have been around since the late 1970s, when communities began to recognize and address the increasing amount of plastic waste that was ending up in landfills. In recent years, many countries have implemented legislation banning single-use plastics such as straws and shopping bags from being sold or used.

    The purpose behind these bans is twofold: reduce pollution caused by plastic waste and spur innovation for alternative materials that are more eco-friendly. The advent of biodegradable bagasse tableware has made it possible for businesses to offer customers an environmentally friendly option while still ensuring their products remain cost competitive on store shelves. 

    In this article we’ll discuss how plastic bans are advancing the use of biodegradable bagasse tableware, its advantages over traditional plastics, and review current status of these laws across different nations.

    What is Bagasse Tableware? 

    Bagasse tableware is a type of eco-friendly, biodegradable material made from 100% plant fiber. It’s created by the dry fibrous residue that remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. This renewable resource is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional plastic and paper products due to its environmental benefits and low cost.

    Bagasse tableware has several advantages over conventional materials such as paper or plastic. Not only does it have a much longer shelf life than other types of disposable tableware, but it also can be recycled multiple times without losing its structure or integrity — making it particularly useful for businesses with high customer turnover rates who need durable disposables on hand at all times. 

    Additionally, bagasse breaks down quickly in natural environments since its fibers are composed entirely of organic matter; this means less waste ending up in landfills compared to non-biodegradable alternatives like plastics! Additionally, unlike many petroleum-based items which introduce harmful chemicals into our ecosystem when they decompose (such as microplastics), bagasse releases no toxins into soil or water sources upon disposal — making them safe for use even near bodies of water where wildlife might ingest discarded pieces inadvertently.

    Overview of Plastic Bans in Different Countries 

    The global plastic ban movement is gaining momentum as more and more countries are taking measures to reduce the amount of non-recyclable single use plastics in their environment. 

    In Europe, a number of countries have enacted legislation prohibiting the sale and distribution of certain types of plastic bags or packaging materials made from petroleum based resins such as polyethylene (PE), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE). In addition, some European cities also levy taxes on all disposable items regardless if they’re made with traditional or biodegradable material. This approach helps encourage citizens to switch away from products that contain petrochemicals by making them prohibitively expensive. 

    In the United States of America, several states including California, New York and Hawaii have already banned one type or another form food related single-use plastic containers like straws & utensils while dozens other US jurisdictions have placed restrictions on shopping bags. Recently signed into law by President Biden comprehensive federal legislation that will phase out most forms for these throwaway materials has been hailed as an important step towards protecting our environment both now & in future generations . 

    Similarly China which accounts for almost 25% world’s total production has begun banning certain types shopping bag manufacturing activities across 23 provinces since 2020 . These regulations restrict thin film PE/PP carriers up 30 microns thickness widely used restaurants , supermarkets etc unless it comes embedded with environmental labeling indicating approved source origin proper recycling procedure . 

    On top all bans many companies are beginning make eco friendly tableware alternatives using 100% plant fiber sourced renewable sources like bamboo sugarcane etc .. Manufacturing processes can vary depending upon manufacturer but generally involve mechanical process pressurizing pulp molding heated plates producing desired shape finish product ready be sold consumer market either online retail stores near you.

    The Advantages of Biodegradable, Eco-Friendly, Plant Fiber Tableware 

    In recent years, a growing number of governments around the world have enacted plastic bans in an effort to reduce the amount of waste being produced and improve environmental sustainability. These actions are encouraging industries everywhere to transition away from single-use plastics and begin exploring alternative materials that can be used for food packaging, tableware and other items traditionally made out of plastic or petroleum-based products.

    One such material is biodegradable plant fiber tableware which is a sustainable choice as it requires no additional fossil fuels or chemicals during production - something traditional plastics cannot say. The use of this type of eco friendly product has been steadily increasing over time due to its many benefits: 

    • They require significantly less energy compared with their nonbiodegradable counterparts when manufacturing; 

    • Plant fibers are lightweight yet very sturdy so they won’t easily crack, chip or break like some disposable plates; 

    • Being naturally sourced means there is zero risk for toxic contamination posed by foods stored in them — ideal for those who are health conscious; And finally, these items decompose within just about two months after disposal without leaving any traces behind – making them great choices if you want your dinner parties go green!

    What materials are typically used? Manufacturers often combine natural wood pulp with bamboo powder (and sometimes sugarcane) during production as these plants contain lignin which acts as an adhesive when heated at high temperatures resulting in lighter but more durable end product than what regular paper would produce on its own. Other additives may include cornstarch binding agents depending on the desired outcome too. This process yields various sizes/shapes pottery perfect for catering events ranging from small appetizers up big entrees – all suitable alternatives to throwaway cups & cutlery sets usually ending up incinerated after one use only..


    In conclusion, the increase in plastic bans across many countries is driving an urgent need for more eco-friendly tableware options. Bagasse tableware provides an excellent solution to this problem as it is entirely biodegradable and made from 100% plant fiber. This type of tableware solves a number of environmental issues while providing consumers with a sustainable and reusable option. By supporting brands that manufacture bagasse tables, we can reduce our dependence on single-use plastics and make strides towards eliminating the vast amounts of plastic waste created every day.